Case Study - eHealth

Challenge: Discover pain points of available health & wellness app on the market and propose solutions with eHealth app to improve user experience.

Delieverables: Strategy. User research report. Persona. Task flows. Sketches. UI. Prototype.

Role: UX Designer

eHealth is an online platform for a complete health and wellness managing services.


The challenge is to understand potential eHealth users’ response to the current health managing app in the market, discover pain points and propose a solution to improve their experiences.


For the initial user research, I conducted user survey and interview to understand the current problems. During the synthesize phase, I used affinity mapping to analyze pain points and determine priorities. Then I generated task flows to understand where the users were having trouble, created Lo-Fi sketches and Hi-Fi clickable prototypes. At the end, I was able to validate with users and confirm that the pain points are solved with current design. The project timeline is 2 months. Now let’s go deeper into each step.


User Surverys & Interviews

To uncover potential user’s needs, goals, and pain points while using relevant health and wellness managing app, I first conducted surveys to identify competitor apps, what keeps the users’ positive mindset towards competitor apps, and lastly the target audience of eHealth.

  • 7 out of 10 people said they use services or apps to keep track of their health goals and medical information
  • 8 out of 10 people said they set up short-term goals to see progress
  • 9 out of 10 people said they lack motivation to keep up with daily exercise and health goals.

I then conducted interviews to identify users’ behavior towards health/wellness related apps. I spoke with 3 potential users to uncover pain points and the selected users are reasonably close to the target market of eHealth.


Affinity Map

I synthesized my findings under 6 categories based on the main business functions of eHealth- get inspired to keep up with managing health and wellness. The findings from my research were then organized on an affinity map to better understand their relationship to each other and do determine priorities moving forward in the process.

Based on the study, here are the 5 problems I decided to focus on:



By conducting user survey with 30 participants and user interview with 6 participants, I identified 2 types of users who is within eHealth's target user range.

User Needs

  • To be reminded to schedule a medical appointment with provider
  • To have a strategy and incentive to work-out
  • To be able to connect and share successful achievements

User Goals

  • To visit doctor's office on regular basis
  • To check-mark all of daily work-out or wellenss goals
  • To explore and learn from other people's health and wellbeing tips


eHealth user needs a fun and practical way to be reminded to schedule an appointment because with current working climate, regular check-up with the doctor is easily neglected. With eHealth’s ‘Set Reminder’ function and other fun activities and wellness goal and community, user will constantly be aware of scheduling an appointment.

We will know this to be true when more than 70% of the user testers agree that it was easy for them to set reminder and the other features made it a fun experience leading to an appointment set-up.


IA Map & User Flow

I created user flow for steps a user will typically go through to complete two common tasks in eHealth:

Lo-Fi Sketches

Based on the established pain points, I sketched multiple options to test and see which design will optimize the user experience. During the design process, I continued referring to the target audience, eHealth’s mission, revenue model and my goal to focus on how to improve the user experience rather than just simply making design changes. After a few rounds of iterations, I came to a good place with the solutions.





fast information





Wellness goals and progress





Color Palette

eHealth’s color palette is to build trust and bring out motivation.




After two months of user research, analysis and design, I was able to validate the assumptions and implementations I had made. I did this by testing my clickable prototype with 6 participants through guerilla usability testing. The results are:

Notes: For future studies, I would like to spend more time collecting data on how often users schedule an appointment to see their provider and how connecting through community will motivate users to keep using the app. Also, how this business model can be successful in the market.

Thoughts and Takeaway

This case study has been a challenging and rewarding experience for me. At the beginning, I was overwhelmed by the idea of gathering interviewees out of thin air for the usability testing. However, it turned out to be an amazing experience to understand and learn from the user’s perspective and find out what makes user’s experience so much better.

Although this is not a real-life project, I am glad to learn that my attempt at finding problems with apps on the market and providing solutions can yield big impacts and create a great experience for users. It is so important to always validate our assumptions through testing.